
Update 10th December 2021

  • From Friday 10 December, face coverings will be mandatory within our facilities. Masks will not be needed in our cafes or where is not practical to wear them (for instance, where exercise takes place).
  • Please make use of sanitiser when entering or leaving our facilities (if supplies are required, please contact one of our staff member)
  • Wipe down equipment before and after use, make use of the hand sanitiser throughout the building and wash your hands thoroughly especially before handling food or eating. 
  • Posters will be on display informing customers and staff of
    cleanliness/hygiene protocols throughout the facility.
  • Lampton Leisure will commit to the wellbeing of their staff and customers, and if they show/have any signs of COVID-19 (temperature, cough and difficulty breathing), they will be sent home to follow
    Government regulations.
  • If you have symptoms of COVID-19 you need to get a PCR test and isolate for 10 days if you test positive
  • Regular hand washing, social distancing, and keeping indoor spaces well ventilated will help reduce the spread of infection
  • Lampton Leisure will comply with any health designation documentation that the Government implements.
  • Hand wipes/sanitisers will be on offer (or people will be directed to where they can clean their hands).
  • Face masks will be mandatory for our staff within our facilities. Mask will not be needed on pool side due to humidity levels (social distancing must be maintained) and where is not practical to wear them (for instance, where exercise takes place or there are other control measures).
  • We will encourage our staff to get regularly tested
  • It is down to the individual customer to take reasonable personal responsibility when taking part in physical activity.
  • Lampton Leisure to maintain a commitment to the Equality Act 2010 and legal obligations to ensure that the
    decisions made in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) do not discriminate against customers or staff with protected characteristics.


  • Continue rigorous cleaning and disinfection procedures to minimise risk of contact transmission; this can be frequent and regular or through longer lasting treatments such as antimicrobial shields.
  • If there is a COVID-19 case in the facility, the operator will follow the national guidance while cleaning all areas of the facility: England, Wales and Northern Ireland – COVID-19 – Cleaning in non-healthcare
    settings, Scotland – Environmental decontamination (cleaning and disinfection) after a possible case has left a workplace or other non-healthcare setting.
  • Staff will carry out regular cleaning of high-contact touch points throughout the premises.

Reception Areas

  • Hand wipes/sanitisers will be on offer (or directed to where people can clean their hands).
  • Gloves are not mandatory as the World Health Organisation (WHO) advice is that it is preferable not to wear gloves but to regularly wash your hands.

Changing Rooms / Showers / Toilets

  • Signs should encourage frequent hand hygiene and staff should be doing regular checks and cleaning of touch points.

Gym Floors

  • Users should not be working out face to face.
  • Touch points of equipment should be cleaned after use – this can be done either by the customer or staff using spray and cloths provided is in addition to the cleaning schedule.


  • Equipment (including mats etc) will be cleaned in between use. This can either be done by the customer or staff member using spray and cloths provided.
  • No equipment will be shared during the classes.

Courts/Sports Halls

  • Cleanliness protocols must be followed.
  • Refer to national Governing Body guidelines for COVID secure protocols for individual activities.

Swimming Pools and Wet Side Facilities

  • Any equipment used will be cleaned after/between use.
  • Considerations should be made to ensure limited time is taken in changing areas, especially during the changeover of group activity to maintain social distancing.
  • Hand sanitiser and/or soap will be available poolside for staff.


  • Additional signs will be put up around cleanliness.
  • Vending machines can remain in use but will be cleaned regularly.
  • Government Guidance for food businesses on COVID-19 will be followed.

Outdoor Fitness

  • Cleanliness will be promoted when booking online.
  • Cleanliness will be promoted by the instructor(s) at the beginning and throughout classes.
  • Nothing will be passed to/from the instructor to the customer – including personal items, water bottles, bibs etc.
  • Customers should not cluster in groups before/after sessions.

First Aid/Lifeguards

  • Operators will follow the HSE guidance on ‘first aid requirements in non-healthcare settings.
  • Lifeguards should follow the RLSS guidance on first aid requirements.
  • The Resuscitation Council UK has provided specific guidance on CPR delivery.


  • A target ventilation rate of 20l/s/p is advised for facilities. This can either be attained through adjustments to ventilation systems themselves, or by controlling numbers (based on 100sqft per person, net usable indoor space available to members to use, including changing rooms) and using natural ventilation.
  • Ventilation systems should provide 100% fresh air and not recirculate air from one space to another.
  • Increasing the existing ventilation rate by fully opening dampers and running fans on full speed.
  • Operating the ventilation system 24 hours a day.
  • Increase the frequency of filter changes.
  • In the absence of known ventilation rates, a carbon dioxide sensor shall be used as a surrogate
    indicator to switch on additional mechanical ventilation or open windows.
  • Further guidance is provided in CIBSE COVID-19 Ventilation Guidance.


  • Lampton Leisure to follow Government working safely guidance for workplaces.
  • Avoid use of shared objects e.g., towels, robes, balls, weights, rackets, balls, scoring equipment, sports clothing unless they can be cleaned or sanitised between users.
  • Card/contactless payment will be promoted.
  • Consider special provision for vulnerable groups using our facilities.
  • All contractors must follow government guidelines and adhere to their risk assessments.
  • PPE will be worn for health consultations in line with the national Government policy on close contact services.
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